If you want to save more money and improve your financial future, you need to start thinking about money now. Here are 10 bad money habits that many people are guilty of. If you notice that you do some of the following, work to correct your bad habits!
Do you spend more than you make? Racking up debt is the easiest way to get into financial trouble. It’s important that you always try to spend less than you earn.
Using credit cards can be a great way to build your credit and earn points (free money!). But putting too much on credit is never a good idea. Don’t put something on credit if you don’t have the cash to buy for it, plain and simple.
Creating a budget for yourself is one of the best things that you can do when it comes to improving your financial situation. It’s important that you understand how much money you have coming in and going out each month, and where there’s room to cut down on spending.
Are you someone who’s guilty of buying something just because you saw it and it looked great? If you’re guilty of falling into consumerist patterns of buying just to buy without really having a need, it’s time to check yourself.
Just as you should track the money that you have coming in, so should you track money that’s going out. Track your spending so you know your top spending categories and can reflect on your habits.
Not investing your money is by and far one of the biggest mistakes you can make. You should be putting money into an investment account as often as possible. Investing your money is an easy way to grow your wealth over time.
Similar to investing, if your employer offers a matching 401(k) or other retirement benefit plan option and you’re not taking advantage of it, you’re missing it.
What are your financial goals? When do you want to buy a home? At what age would you like to retire? These are important questions to ask yourself when thinking about planning for your future.
Advertisements can be catchy and enticing—we get it. But giving in to impulse buying is a bad idea. Only buy what you need, and make a plan for when you’ll spend and how much.
If you’re someone who puts money into your savings account only after seeing what you have left after spending, you’re saving in the wrong way. Put money into your savings account first, and then use what you have left for spending.
The social pressure to spend money can be very real. Be honest with yourself and your friends about your budget.
To learn more about how to improve your financial future, consider meeting with a financial planner from Harvest Wealth Partners. You can reach us by phone or online to learn more.
Harvest Wealth Partners is committed to helping our clients work towards a successful future. We believe in your potential to understand the financial options that can lead you to your goals. Call us today to partner with our team. We look forward to continuing our mission for years to come.
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