Managing your money can be challenging, especially if you’re thinking about big-picture financial things, such as saving for retirement, investing in the stock market, or buying a home. For all of the help that you need navigating tough financial decisions and putting together a financial plan, choose an experienced financial advisor near Dyer. At Harvest Wealth Partners, our financial advisors have the certifications and the reputations that you can trust. Call us today to schedule your first consultation with our team.Â
A financial advisor offers a range of financial services. These services might include:
If you have other financial questions, such as the role of a trust, how to create an estate plan, savings options for your children’s education, etc., a financial advisor can assist with these, too.Â
Working with a financial advisor is one of the best financial decisions you can make. This is because a financial advisor is knowledgeable; they will be able to provide insight into investment strategies, savings plans, budgeting tips, and more that only comes as a result of years of experience and education. Trying to put together a financial plan on your own can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not well-versed in various financial terms, investment types, and best practices. When you work with a financial advisor, they can handle your finances so that you can focus on other aspects of your life, reducing stress and providing financial independence.Â
A common question that we hear from new clients is in regard to how financial advisors get paid and whether or not it’s affordable to work with a financial advisor. There are three different ways that financial advisors get paid:
A fee-only financial advisor will charge a flat fee, an hourly fee, or an annual fee. A commission-based advisor will get paid based on the investments that they sell. And a fee-based financial advisor can earn a combination of fees and commissions. Talk to our office about our fee-based structure.Â
If you have questions about planning for your financial future and you’re ready to take control of your economic outlook, our financial advisor near Dyer at Harvest Wealth Partners is ready to help. To learn more about our financial advisor and the services we offer, please call us today or send us a message online at your convenience.Â
This information is not intended to be a substitute for individualized legal advice. Please consult your legal advisor regarding your specific situation.
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