When you invest money, the hope is that it will grow over the life of that investment and be worth more than the amount you originally put in. While all investments come with some degree of risk, there are strategies that you can implement to help manage that risk. As described by Forbes, “investing is a long game.”
As you consider the role of investments in the stock market in your overall financial situation, you may find it helpful to work with a professional. Planning out long term investments alongside your other goals will give you a better idea of just how much you are able to invest as well as how long you will have for that money to remain in the market. Discussing your plans with a professional is one way to put those goals into perspective alongside the amount of risk that you are willing to take on with a given investment.
If you have never invested in stock before, it’s important to understand the basics. Stocks are essentially a representation of a very small fraction of ownership in a company. For that reason, it’s recommended that you research the company you are investing in before purchasing stock. In general, the stock market tends to outperform other investments long term, but it is always possible for individual stocks to lose value over the course of your investment. Because of that possibility, many investors implement strategies like diversifying their portfolio in an effort to manage risk over the course of a long-term investment.
When it comes to investing for the long-term, diversification is one of the more common methods used to manage risks to your stock portfolio. By investing in multiple different types of stock, you may increase the likelihood that some of your investments will perform well enough that the overall value of your portfolio grows.
While strategies like diversification do aim at increasing the overall performance of your portfolio, it is still worth remembering that your long term investments are not set in stone. Changes in the market are normal, and short-term losses in value happen often. That is why holding investments for longer periods of time is commonly recommended. However, as time passes and your financial situation changes, it may be worth occasionally reassessing your investments and deciding whether they are really worth keeping for the long haul.
All investments come with some degree of risk, but thinking about your portfolio in the long term is one way to better understand the amount of risk that you are taking on with a given investment. However, if you have doubts about whether an investment is right for you, or if you have questions about the overall state of your portfolio, you may find it helpful to get a professional opinion. To learn more about the individual financial planning services offered by Harvest Wealth Partners, contact us today.
Harvest Wealth Partners is committed to helping our clients work towards a successful future. We believe in your potential to understand the financial options that can lead you to your goals. Call us today to partner with our team. We look forward to continuing our mission for years to come.
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